Advanced notes

Documentation for advanced usage

Complete documentation on user preferences which can be edited under the Rules tab.
Complete documentation on sa-learn for mail clients that don't support manual training via sa-learn.

sa-learn registry settings for SAproxy-ready mail clients

The full pathname of the sa-learn program is stored in the registry entry Software\SAProxy\SALearnLocation in HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Supported protocols

SAproxy supports most of the POP3 protocol as per RFCs 1939 (POP3 protocol) and 2449 (Extensions to POP3). Since marking up a message in transit between the POP3 server and the mail client can "break" the protocol, there are a variety of options to help your client deal with this. SAproxy was tested with a number of popular Win32 mail clients, which were found to be pretty good at dealing with the protocol being "broken" in this way, but your mileage may vary.

Notably, SAproxy does not support RFC 2222, Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), nor RFC 1734, POP3 AUTHentication command. By default, the optional POP3 TOP command is not supported, but you can override this (see the --allowtop option (which is not exposed in the GUI). SASL and TOP are also removed from the results of an RFC 2449 CAPA command as well. RFC 2449 Pipelining is supported.

SpamAssassin is a very full featured mail analysis package, but due to the constraints of the Win32 platform and the nature of being a network proxy, SAproxy does not provide some of the extended SpamAssassin tests, specifically Razor and DCC. Auto-whitelisting and DNS tests are supported, but From: address reverse-lookups are turned off to avoid long timeouts.

SAproxy also does not report any detected spam. If you want to complain about spam, that's up to you, we just try to spot it.

Some additional links

ActiveState: providers of Perl on Win32 platforms
How To Use SpamAssassin on Win32 (not necessarily up to date)


RFC 1939, POP3 Protocol
RFC 2449, POP3 Extension Mechanism
RFC 1734, POP3 AUTHentication command
RFC 2222, Simple Authentication and Security Layer
RFC 3206, The SYS and AUTH POP Response Codes